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You and your money: Speak up about town, county spending at public hearings

Jan. 28. This is the time of year when local governments dig into the next fiscal year’s spending plans, which must be approved and in place by June 30.

As local and county boards craft next year’s budget, residents can speak out on the programs and services that are most important to them.

Mecklenburg County

The first public hearing on the Mecklenburg County budget will be held at the Board’s regular meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 6 pm.

Mecklenburg County accounts for about two-thirds of your property tax bill.


The remaining third of your tax bill is due to Cornelius.

There will be a public comment session regarding the FY26 Budget during the Board of Commissioners meeting at 6 pm.

Town officials are asking that you arrive before 6 pm to write your name on the sign-up sheet if you wish to speak.

Speakers will have three minutes to share their comments during both hearings.