Jan. 30. By Dave Vieser. Cornelius officials will embark upon a thorough review of regulations for temporary real estate/commercial signs. Most of these signs are of the familiar “property for sale” and the rules haven’t been changed since 2010. At the Town Board’s Jan. 17 meeting, commissioners and town staff agreed that some clarification is needed.
“Right now it’s a mess,” said Mayor Woody Washam. “Let’s review this and get it right.” Emphasis was placed on making sure members of the community as well as the real estate industry are included in any review.
Photo by Jason Benavides
Currently, all real estate signs for multi-tenant buildings, both those with individual unit ownership and those with multiple tenants, must not exceed 16 square feet. Real estate signs must be located behind any permanent monument signs that are located on the property and may not be located within any street right-of-way or sight safety triangle.
A quick review of photos taken by town staff at the Jan.17 meeting revealed that many signs throughout the town are not in compliance with current regulations.
What’s next?
Town staff is working with the mayor to appoint a committee to look into the matter, according to Deputy Town Manager Wayne Herron.