Under the rezoning agreement, the developer was to acquire the vacant land east of the current Zion Avenue, then realign Zion Avenue so that a roundabout could be built where the new Zion Avenue would meet Lawn Market Street.
This would provide a safer access route to Greenway Gartens and more space for cars to line up for the North Main/Catawba signal.
Sept. 4. By Dave Vieser. The Cornelius Town Board last night voted to initiate condemnation proceedings in order to improve traffic safety at the Greenway Gartens project.
Planned for a 25-acre plot downtown, Greenway Gartens will include 346 multifamily apartments, 14 townhomes, an Olde Mecklenburg brewery/restaurant, a 10,000 sq. ft. event facility and up to 10,000 sq. ft. of commercial space.
According to Planning Director Rox Burhans, the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) included in the 2021 rezoning approved by a previous town board outlined the need for Zion Avenue to be relocated to form a four-way intersection at Lawn Market with a roundabout.
“The purpose of the Zion Avenue relocation was to provide a safer intersection with a roundabout, and relieve congestion by adding additional distance for traffic to queue at the signal at NC 115 [Main Street] and Catawba Avenue,” Burhans said.
The developer, Northwood Raven, was asked to acquire the property which is at 180 North Zion Ave. according to the town, to build the safer traffic alignment, but they have been unsuccessful in doing so. Per the 2021 agreement the town is now required to provide assistance, or the builder can proceed with the project without improving roadway safety.
Any expenses incurred by the town for condemnation proceedings must be reimbursed by the developer.
Per county tax records, the property at 180 North Zion Ave. is owned by Antiquity LLC of Wilkesboro with a current appraised value of $2.5 million. It encompasses 178,000 square feet and runs from North Main to Old Canal.
The condemnation will include a half acre Right of Way plus a 3/4 acre Temporary Construction Easement.
Prior to the vote, it was noted that this situation had been the subject of “extensive” discussions among the current commissioners. Greenway Gartens was one of several major developments approved by town commissioners in 2021, four of whom were then voted out of office in the November 2021 election.
In other action, the commissioners:
—Unanimously approved rezoning for a plot on the south side of Catawba Avenue between Meridian and School streets, at the request of the Cain Center for the Arts. The center plans to use some of the property for a ceramic studio as well as other civic uses.