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Cornelius News

Town Commissioner asks public to voice support for Exit 27

July 23. Town Commissioner Michael Osborne is calling on Cornelius residents to voice their support for the proposed Exit 27 project, a critical infrastructure initiative aimed at reducing traffic congestion on secondary roads.

The Town’s Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) representative said public input is crucial in securing necessary funding for this transformative project.



“Exit 27 is not just about building a new road; it’s about improving the quality of life for our residents,” said Osborne. “This project will alleviate traffic on our secondary roads, enhance access to essential services, and support our region’s economic growth.”

The CRTPO is a regional transportation planning organization serving communities in Iredell, Mecklenburg, and Union counties.

Key benefits of the Exit 27 project include:

• Reduced congestion on overburdened secondary roads

• Improved access to healthcare facilities and other essential services

• Enhanced regional mobility and support for economic development

The project, which has been in planning stages for several years, is now at a critical juncture, Osborne said. Its inclusion in the CRTPO’s funded project list could determine whether it moves forward in the near future.

How to speak up

Residents are encouraged to submit their comments supporting the Exit 27 project by Aug. 1. Comments can be emailed to Travis Johnson of CRTPO at email@crtpo.org, with Cornelius elected officials copied at electedofficials@cornelius.org.

For more information, please visit CRTPO website 2026-2035 TIP Development.

Exit 27 layout dating back to 2015

Needed Regional Cornelius Road Projects:

Exit 27

Widen NC 115 (Sam Furr to Washam Potts)

NC 115 South (Washam Potts to Potts)

US 21 (Westmoreland to Catawba)