Under the rezoning agreement, the developer was to acquire the vacant land east of the current Zion Avenue, then realign Zion Avenue so that a roundabout could be built where the new Zion Avenue would meet Lawn Market Street. This would provide a safer access route to Greenway Gartens and more space for cars to line up for the North Main Street/Catawba signal.
Sept. 3. By Dave Vieser. A rezoning agreement approved by a previous town board in 2021 may force the current commissioners to initiate condemnation proceedings in order for the Greenway Gartens mixed-use project to proceed in a safe manner. A decision is expected at tonight’s meeting.
The project, on a 25-acre plot east of North Main Street and north of Catawba, would include 346 multifamily apartments, 14-town home style units, an Olde Mecklenburg brewery/restaurant, a 10,000 sq. ft. event facility, and up to 10,000 sq. ft. of commercial space.
According to Planning Director Rox Burhans, the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) included in the 2021 rezoning outlined the need for the existing Zion Avenue to be relocated to form a four way intersection at Lawn Market with a roundabout.
Safety concerns
“The purpose of the Zion Avenue relocation was to provide a safer intersection with a roundabout, and relieve congestion by adding additional distance for traffic to queue at the signal at NC 115 and Catawba Avenue,“ he said.
Burhans also noted that the relocated and extended Zion Avenue was meant to divert South Street traffic away from Antiquity, therefore providing a safer and less congested environment within the Antiquity development.
The developer, Northwood Raven, was asked to acquire the property to build the safer traffic alignment, but if they were unsuccessful, the town, per the rezoning agreement, would then be required to provide assistance.
To date, Northwood Raven has been unable to reach an agreement on the price for the property, and the town attorney has advised that Cornelius must now assist in the process, though any expenses would be charged to the developer. If not, the developer would be able to construct a road system which would be both unsafe and congested.
Greenway Gartens was one of several major developments approved by the commissioners in 2021, four of whom lost their attempt at reelection two months later.
The meeting will begin at 6 pm at Town Hall on Catawba Avenue. It will also be live streamed on the town web site www.cornelius.org, and the town website on Facebook.