Aug. 3. The Cornelius Town Board meeting tonight includes consideration of a contract for the design and construction of a $9.2 million roundabout at the intersection of Highway 21 and Catawba Avenue. The NCDOT will manage the roundabout’s design/engineering, right of way acquisition, and construction. Cornelius will contribute $502,000 towards the total project cost. The two-lane roundabout is expected to improve traffic flow at the intersection and enhance the efficiency of the Exit 28 DDI. The board will conduct a public hearing to consider a zoning change from Neighborhood Residential to Conditional Zoning requested by Mt. Zion Church which would permit the establishment of a senior campus on Zion Avenue. The campus master plan includes a 6,000 square foot Senior Ministry Center, 24 individual duplex and quadplex residential units, and a four-story independent living apartment building with 80 proposed units. The meeting begins at 7 pm in Town Hall on Catawba Avenue.