June 18. By Dave Vieser. A decision on developer Jake Palillo’s proposal for 252 apartments is on the agenda for the Monday’s Town Board meeting, along with the likely adoption of the $26.1 million proposed 2021-2022 town budget which keeps the property tax rate level.
The commissioners may find the Junker application inconsistent with the town’s Land Use Plan and simply deny the request. This was the path specifically recommended by the Town Planning Board. Or, they could find the application inconsistent with the Land Use Plan but consistent with the Land Development Code and approve the request with no less than 11 specific conditions required by the town.

Junker property rezoning sketch
There is a third option: Table the matter to a future meeting.
New project
Also on the agenda is the first presentation of The Venue Project on South Main. In this proposal, MPV Properties is requesting to rezone approximately 2 acres located on South Main Street to develop a mixed-use project comprising up to 75 apartments and 6,000 square feet of ground floor retail, restaurant, commercial, and office space in a five story building, near the future Cain Center for the Arts.
How to attend
Attendance rules have been relaxed in following the CDC’s guidance which means the meetings will continue to be broadcast live via Facebook Live and the town website.
The public may participate in person for the entire meeting. Those who have been fully vaccinated are no longer required to wear a mask and those who have not been are asked to continue wearing a mask and socially distance. The town says that if anyone is experiencing COVID-like symptoms they should not enter the building.
The meeting, to be held at Town Hall, begins at 5 pm. It may be viewed live via the town website www.cornelius.org Look for Quick Links/Watch Meetings Online.