Husband and wife team, Ann and Dr. Mike Miltich, campaigned hard during early voting
By Dave Vieser. It turns out our new mayor pro tem—the highest vote-getter in the 11-way race for Cornelius Board of Commissioners—was “always concerned” that he would lose his re-election bid for one of five seats on the town board.
Mike Miltich and his wife Ann may have worked the polls and neighborhoods the hardest of all the candidates, with stints in cold and rain during early voting at Cornelius Town Hall and on Election Day at Waterfront Hall at Jetton Park.
“Looking at the quality of the candidates, I felt I had about a 50-50 chance of winning. For about six weeks, Ann and I walked or drove Cornelius neighborhoods, mostly the ones that we hadn’t canvassed in 2015,” said Miltich, a physician who also has a marine captain’s license.
There were 11 candidates this past year; Miltich says they were all “great,” which added to his concern over the election.
“As I’ve said many times, starting in 2013, Cornelius is blessed with having so many great candidates to elect,” he said. “This time was no different.”
Miltich, who said he “was striving for sixth place plus one vote,” said he was in disbelief when the results were announced. He promised to “continue to listen, analyze and make the best decisions I can for our Town and for all equally.”
The mayor pro tem serves in the mayor’s absence at Town Board meetings and public functions. It literally means for the moment or for the time being, but it’s a coveted honor nevertheless.
Miltich came out ahead of incumbents like Dave Gilroy, Thurman Ross and Jim Duke. Miltich pulled in 2,046 votes. Fifth-place winner Ross captured 1,896 votes, six votes ahead of Duke.