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Tommy’s Appliance Tips: Take care of the food in the garage freezer

Cornelius resident Tommy Walker had more than 50 years experience in appliance repair and operated Tommy’s Appliance Service until retiring a few years ago.  Tommy offers his advice for various appliances.

Jan. 14.  Winter is here.

For those who have a second refrigerator in the garage, keep in mind that the refrigerator cycles on and off around 37 degrees. So, if the temperature in your garage gets below 37 degrees, and it most likely will, the refrigerator will not run, causing the freezer to thaw.

Very few companies make refrigerators that are garage friendly.

So before winter time comes move your freezer food to another location. Generally speaking around our area, it can but not often stays frigid for a long time, so keep a watchful eye on your food in the freezer.

Every major change in the season, as in spring remind me to vacuum out the coils.

Also important is to keep the door gaskets washed and clean. Sodas and juices that may splatter onto the gasket get sticky and can cause gaskets to tear.

For the record, ice cream usually is the first to thaw.
