Dec. 19. Madalina Cojocari’s mother, Diana Cojocari, and stepfather, Christopher Palmiter, were both arrested on Dec. 17 for failure to report the disappearance of a child to law enforcement. Their bond is set at $250,000 and $200,000 respectively.
Here’s a rundown, based on the arrest sheet, of what happened leading up to their arrests.
It shows discrepancies in when Diana said Madalina went missing. In fact, Palmiter stated the last time he saw Madalina was a week before he left on a trip to Michigan on Nov. 23.
Dec. 12
Bailey Middle School resource officer J. Nobles attempted a visit to the Cojocari residence with the sixth-grade counselor Mrs. D. Lampkin in reference to Madalina’s absence from school since Monday, Nov. 21.
There was no answer at the door. They left a truancy packet behind.
Still missing: Madalina Cojocari
Dec. 14
According to Lampkin, Diana Cojocari, called her and requested a meeting re Madalina. The mother, as per the arrest sheet, told the counselor she would bring Madalina to school on Thursday and meet with her in reference to the truancy.
Dec. 15
Diana arrives at Bailey without Madalina to meet with Lampkin who asks Nobles to join in the meeting. The school resource officer arrived and was advised that Madalina had been missing since about noon on Nov. 23.
Nobles spoke to Cojocari, who said she last saw Madalina on Nov. 23 at 10 pm. She said that Madalina went into her room that night to go to bed.
Diana said she and her husband, Christopher Palmiter, argued that night and the next morning he drove to his family’s house in Michigan to recover some items.
Diana said she went to check on Madalina around 11:30 am on Nov. 24 and was not in her room.
Diana said she then waited until 7 pm Saturday, Nov. 26—when Palmiter returned home—before asking if he knew where Madalina was.
Palmiter said he did not and asked the same question in return.
D Cojocari
When asked why she did not report Madalina missing, Diana said she was worried it might start a “conflict” between her and Palmiter.
Officer Nobles asked Diana to contact Palmiter and have him come to the school. The officer then contacted Det. G. Patterson and Det. B. Nichols for assistance, according to the arrest sheet.
Diana said Madalina had been missing since about noon on Tuesday, Nov. 22.
Palmiter stated that on Nov. 23, he left the residence to make a trip to Michigan to pick up items. He said that he did not see Madalina the day he left and believed that the last time he saw her was a week before his trip.
He stated that he returned on Nov. 26, and asked Diana where Madalina was, and Diana said that she did not know.
Palmiter told Diana that he did not know where Madalina was either, according to the arrest sheet.
Palmiter stated that he asked Diana if she had hidden Madalina and Diana asked Chris if he had hidden Madalina and they both said no.
Palmiter did not report her missing to the police at that time.
Palmiter stated he spoke with Diana several times about Madalina’s whereabouts over the next three weeks and both stated that they did not know where she was, but they did not contact the police to report the child missing, the arrest sheet says.
—Report based on arrest sheet
FBI poster for Madalina