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This tag is associated with 3 posts

‘Bonus allocation’ money for Hwy. 115 at YMCA?

Aug. 31. While Cornelius commissioners are about to consider an expanded parking plan for the Lake Norman YMCA next week, town and state officials have also been meeting to consider possible improvements to Hwy. 115/North Main where it intersects with Davidson Street. There’s not a turning lane so northbound YMCA members sometimes delay through traffic […]


Planning chair dives into connectivity debate

 Aug. 10. By Dave Vieser. The Lake Norman YMCA has filed new plans with the town seeking permission to expand their parking facilities from 252 to 317 spaces. The proposal was approved 6-1 by the Planning Board in July and is tentatively scheduled for consideration at the Town Board’s Aug. 17 meeting in Town Hall. […]


YMCA backs out of parking expansion

May 6. The Lake Norman YMCA has withdrawn plans seeking town permission to greatly expand its parking facilities. The proposal had been tentatively scheduled for consideration at the Planning Board’s May 11 meeting. “The YMCA Board agreed to withdraw their application in order to have more productive discussions with Cornelius Commissioners and their neighbors,” said Wayne Herron, the […]