March 20. Attention motorists: The new speed limit is 35 mph on Bethel Church Road. Signs went up yesterday, lowering the speed limit from 45 mph to a more pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly 35 mph. The speed limit reduction was approved by the NCDOT after a request from the Town Board. Bethel Church Road, like Jetton, is […]
March 19. By Dave Vieser. As with many projects involving the NCDOT, getting the official speed limit reduced on Bethel Church Road from 45 to 35 mph has taken longer than anticipated. The good news is that the change will be in effect shortly. The speed limit reduction was approved in Raleigh last week. New […]
March 14. By Dave Vieser. It may be easier said than done, but motorists are advised to avoid the Statesville Road/Westmoreland Road intersection for the next few weeks while work continues on adding much-needed new turning lanes. The current long delays for motorists approaching the intersection are caused by the traffic signal being disconnected from […]
TRAFFIC | By Dave Vieser March 11. Anyone expecting a quick fix to traffic conditions near Hough High and Bailey Middle will be disappointed after a long-awaited traffic study was unveiled at a Cornelius Town Board meeting. “Two of the key proposals designed to relieve congestion—widening Bailey Road and adding turn lanes—were rejected by the […]
March 4. By Dave Vieser. The next time you become frustrated while sitting in congestion on the Exit 28 DDI overpass, keep this in mind: according to a 10-year report compiled by the Cornelius Police, the DDI has cut accidents at the intersection by nearly half when compared with pre-DDI accident levels. Moreover, there have […]
Feb. 13. By Dave Vieser. A detailed traffic study regarding Bailey Road east of Hwy. 115 will be presented to the Cornelius Town Board during the Feb. 17 meeting. The $174,500 study has been prepared by Kimley-Horne, and will examine methods of addressing traffic volume on two-lane Bailey Road, where both Bailey Middle and Hough […]
Dec. 19. By Dave Vieser. Get ready for some temporary road closures starting in the first week of January: Sections of Hwy. 21/Statesville Road will be temporarily closed at night to accommodate construction crews working on the Catawba/Hwy. 21 Dual Roundabout project. Motorists are advised to seek alternate routes if they will be traveling at […]
Aug. 26. It’s back to school today for more than 140,000 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools students and 19,000 staff members. You’ll see an increase in traffic with 900 CMS buses hitting the road for the first time since June. Students eligible for buses: Cornelius Elementary: 398 or 71.8 percent of those enrolled. JV Washam Elementary: 579 or […]
Aug. 20. Drivers should make an effort to slow down as kids head back to school. Know that yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is getting ready to stop ─ motorists should slow down and be prepared to stop. Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign indicate the bus is stopped and children are […]
Aug. 13. By Dave Vieser. With new pedestrian crosswalks already in place on West Catawba and Jetton Extension and more on the way—Meridian and Catawba, North Main and Legion, and Torrence Chapel Park—there seems to be some confusion as to when a motorist can legally proceed. “If a pedestrian has crossed the roadway and the […]