Aug. 16. By Dave Vieser. Even as the town of Cornelius cheerfully promotes an economic “explosion” on its website, residents are complaining about fast-paced growth and a lack of infrastructure that are causing continuous traffic woes. Some of the congestion is a result of construction of toll lanes on Interstate 77. Anger over the traffic situation […]
Aug. 16. At Monday’s meeting, the Cornelius Board of Commissioners authorized a zoning change that will permit the construction of a 190-foot cellphone tower on the southwest corner of the Grace Covenant Church Property on U.S. 21. The commissioners, as expected, also approved the following changes on the town Planning Board: +Promoted Keith Pickett from […]
Aug. 8. A community meeting on the hotel and convention center proposed for West Catawba Avenue and Waterview Drive in Cornelius will be held at 6:30 pm Wednesday Aug. 10 at Town Hall. As proposed, the hotel would have 14 stories and 302 rooms. While planning board chair Brian Simmons said the project “would be […]
July 18. By Dave Vieser. With the conclusion of the July 18 public hearing regarding a new beauty salon on North Main Street, a cumbersome zoning process known as a quasi-judicial hearing is off the books in Cornelius. Taking its place is the more streamlined conditional district zoning process. Eliminating the quasi-judicial hearings for zoning […]
At their Monday June 20 meeting, the Cornelius Town Board is expected to adopt a new operating budget. The $21.88 million spending plan proposed by Town Manager Anthony Roberts calls for an 8.3 percent or 2 cent hike in the town’s tax rate. If approved by the Town Board, it would cost the owner of a median-priced $250,000 […]
June 6. Cornelius commissioners will consider a right-of-way encroachment agreement for construction work in downtown Cornelius. If approved, the applicant, Ralph Harlan, would be permitted to block the sidewalk and a portion of Catawba Avenue, when needed, for up to six months. Harlan has requested approval of this encroachment agreement to perform construction work on […]
By Dave Vieser. A proposal to build a 14-story waterfront hotel and another proposal for 40 age-restricted homes on West Catawba Avenue, coupled with the acknowledged need for a higher commercial tax base in Cornelius, are leading to some difficult choices for town leaders. Along with the old 54-acre Alexander farm at Westmoreland and West Catawba […]
April 19. By Dave Vieser. The long-awaited public beach at Ramsey Creek Park in Cornelius, which was scheduled to open Memorial Day weekend, may not open on time. Possible delays in realigning the Nantz Road-West Catawba Avenue intersection and installing a traffic signal are to blame. The beach, which is part of the Mecklenburg County […]
Rezoning request has generated unusual split between staff, planning board April 18. The Cornelius Town Board will hold a crucial rezoning hearing tonight regarding a request from Classica Homes to rezone a 9.3 acre parcel on West Catawba Avenue across from Elevation Church. The developer of Robbins Park wants to build 40 attached, age-restricted homes. The commissioners […]
By Dave Vieser. The long-awaited public beach at Ramsey Creek Park is scheduled to open Memorial Day weekend. However, according to town officials, the beach cannot open until a new traffic signal is installed at the Nantz Road intersection with West Catawba. The matter came up for discussion at Monday’s town board meeting even though it […]