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This tag is associated with 82 posts
Green House 750

Elegantly simple Zion Ave. house gets Historic Landmark designation

Nov. 6. A restored 113-year-old Queen Anne style house on Zion Avenue has received Historic Landmark designation, one of only a handful in Cornelius. The Sherrill-Robbins House, now the offices of real estate attorney Susan Irvin, retains its wide wood trim, wooden floors and a distinctive wooden cross design in the front gable. The left […]

Antiquity Woods project withdrawn from re-zoning process

Nov. 5. By Dave Vieser. Plans for Antiquity Woods, a 99-unit housing development on the edge of Davidson—but inside Cornelius—have been withdrawn even though the developer has paid thousands of dollars in fees to extend the application at Town Hall. Charlotte-based Meeting Street Cos. paid a total of  $7,500 to the town in application and […]

Crescent Apts Stop Image750

Crescent’s controversial Potts Street project stopped

Oct. 18. By Dave Vieser. A plan for 246 apartments on the Davidson/Cornelius town line near Potts Street has hit a dead end. Davidson’s Town Board has voted unanimously to reject Crescent Communities’ request for an extension of water and sewer service to the development. Roads to and from the proposed Davidson site traverse an […]

Vote early, not often for Congress, legislators, judges, transportation bond

Oct. 11. Early voting starts Wednesday Oct. 17 at Cornelius Town Hall. A new expanded schedule means voters can cast their ballots from 7 am to 7 pm, weekdays, Oct. 17 through Nov. 2, as well as Saturday Oct. 27 from 10 am-5 pm, Sunday Oct. 28 from 1-4 pm and  8 am to 1 […]


People semi-annoyed over truck parking

July 23. The Town of Cornelius is looking at a change in the town code which would tighten regulations for commercial tractor trailer parking in the town. The move was spurred by complaints about large commercial trailers left for days on an unsightly commercial property near Planet Fitness—only a block from the Lake Norman welcome […]


Raising speed limits on Jetton under consideration

July 17. Dave Vieser.  Town officials are looking at yet another way to fix the Old Jetton/Jetton Road intersection: Prohibit left turns or straight movements from Old Jetton Road. The new option would leave traffic departing the Brooklyn South parking lot as it is now. Meanwhile, commissioners discussed raising the speed limit back to 45 mph—or […]


Arts Center staying downtown

  May 18. By Dave Yochum. A 60-day study on moving the proposed Cornelius Arts Center from downtown to the old Michael Waltrip Raceworld property on Liverpool is pointing to keeping the multimillion-dollar project where it was originally planned, just west of the police station, almost across from Town Hall. It would help build a […]


Retail project on W. Catawba at Knox stuck in traffic modeling right now

May 11. The approval process for the new shopping center at West Catawba and Knox Road has come to a halt while the town’s traffic engineer compiles new data in conjunction with the NCDOT. Cornelius Planning Director Wayne Herron anticipates that the required hearings before the town Architectural Review Board, Planning Board and Board of […]

Town Hall

Debt will help fund roads, parks

Cornelius will prepare a $6.7 million bond sale in late July, with the proceeds being used for transportation/road improvements and upgrades in the town’s park system. Commissioners authorized the sale of the bonds, approved by voters in 2013, at their May 7 meeting. At the same meeting, the board authorized staff to start preparing a […]

Controversial project still alive; developer pays new fee

  May 7. By Dave Vieser. The developer of a proposed 99-unit housing development on South Street  has paid $3,750 to keep his application active through Oct. 31. Joe Roy, representing Charlotte based Meeting Street Cos, paid the triple application fee for a zoning change permit on April 30. The town code permits such extensions of […]