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town budget

This tag is associated with 9 posts

You and your money: Speak up about town, county spending at public hearings

Jan. 28. This is the time of year when local governments dig into the next fiscal year’s spending plans, which must be approved and in place by June 30. As local and county boards craft next year’s budget, residents can speak out on the programs and services that are most important to them. Mecklenburg County […]

Town budget survey concludes tomorrow

Dec. 30. Tomorrow is the last day to complete the town’s annual budget survey online. The municipal budget includes funding for operational and capital projects throughout the fiscal year. Ultimately, the town budget determines about one-third of the property tax rate, with the county responsible for the remainder. It takes about five minutes to complete. […]

Photo by Jason Benavides

Town Board will take a look at proposed FY 2025 budget tonight at 6 pm meeting

May 6. By Dave Vieser. It will be a busy meeting Monday for the Cornelius Town Board considers rezoning for a new brewery as well as appointments to the Town Planning Board. They will also receive the Town Manager’s proposed 2025 budget. Brewery Hearing: A public hearing to permit rezoning for the proposed Fruitful Brewery […]

Two-day town budget retreat starts Tuesday

March 25. By Dave Vieser. Cornelius’ annual budget retreat—a strenuous, two-day work session—gets under way tomorrow at the Graylyn International Conference Center in Winston Salem. The mayor, members of the Board of Commissioners and key staff members attend and, like a company, get into the details of budgeting and goal-setting. The workshop begins at 9 […]

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New budget proposal: Town manager pitches .1731 tax rate on much higher valuations

May 16. By Dave Yochum. Town Manager Andrew Grant has proposed a $31.796 million municipal budget, down from the current year’s $33.155 million spending package. The proposal for the 2023-2024 fiscal year includes $4.8 million in American Rescue Plan funds. A public hearing on the proposed spending plan was held last night during which two […]

Budget discussions include spending on local roads

Town manager proposes budget 2 cents above revenue neutral

April 5. By Dave Yochum. While general fund expenditures would arguably fall—due to one-time ARPA funds that were placed into reserve accounts during FY23—chances of a revenue-neutral town budget in FY24 may be in doubt. In fact, Town Manager Andrew Grant is recommending a budget that would be 2 cents above revenue neutral, or 18.3 […]

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Budget season begins

Feb. 13. By Dave Yochum. A Town Board budget planning meeting held last week in the new Cain Center board room with the mayor, commissioners and department heads surfaced a wide range of pressing needs, all in the context of budget limitations and the possibility of a recession. Come budget season, the town faces capital […]

Photo by Jason Benavides

Complete survey on how Cornelius should spend ARPA funds

April 4. The Town of Cornelius will receive $9.6 million through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The purpose of these funds is to help communities respond to the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by improving, assisting, and serving our community. How best to spend it? The town is conducting a survey now, through […]

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Windfall: Town Board eyes how to spend $9.6 million in federal stimulus funds

Feb. 9. By Dave Vieser. Cornelius will be eligible to receive $9.6 million from the American Rescue Fund according to town Manager Andrew Grant, who unveiled the good news at the Town Board meeting Feb. 7. All told, the plan will deliver some $1.9 trillion across the country to support responses to and recovery from […]