June 25. Thurman Ross, a public service veteran who was defeated in Town Board elections two years ago, plans to run for the five-member, non-partisan local governing body this fall. Thurman Ross has been on the Town Board much of the past two dozen years. He lost in 2021, when four out of five incumbents […]
Nov. 17. By Dave Yochum. With new property tax assessments expected to come out in March of next year—three months later than planned—the Mecklenburg County Assessor is continuing to monitor home prices as the market adjusts to higher interest rates. It means that the 49 percent increase in values over the past four years could […]
Nov. 4. By Dave Vieser. At Monday’s Town Board meeting, Cornelius commissioners will continue to discuss possible uses for the $9.6 million which the town expects to receive from the American Rescue Plan. However, no final decision is expected to be made. Monday’s meeting will be another input session, according to Town Manager Andrew Grant. […]
June 3. By Dave Vieser. The Torrence Chapel Road roundabouts may be in peril, as a result of a new analysis provided by the NC Dept. of Transportation. Indeed, the price-tag for three new roundabouts has jumped by some $11.5 million—and since the town would have to shoulder all of the increase, officials may be […]
May 3. By Dave Vieser. The proposed $28.35 million municipal budget unveiled Monday evening by Cornelius Town Manager Andrew Grant contains a one cent increase in the town tax rate, which would cost a family with a home valued at $450,000 an additional $45 a year. If adopted by the Town Board, the tax rate […]
Feb.8. By Dave Vieser. The formation of a Growth Management Committee to oversee the development of the new town draft Land Use Plan led some members of the Cornelius Town Board and Mayor Woody Washam in opposite directions during their meeting last night. However, after a lengthy discussion, the board and Mayor agreed to move […]
Feb. 7. The Cornelius Board of Commissioners will hold a special meeting this Thursday to discuss planning for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2023 budget. The special meeting will be held 9 am to 5 pm in the Family Life Center at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church,
Dec. 27. By Dave Yochum. A year after the Cornelius Town Board voted 3-2 to allow a 199-foot cell phone tower just off Jetton Road, the massive structure has been erected at the entrance to Lake Norman Cove where Anthony Grisanti said it will bring “blight” to the neighborhood. Michael Miltich, Tricia Sisson and Thurman […]
Nov. 9. By Dave Vieser. Rezoning for a six-story building on vacant land at the corner of Bethel Church and Jetton Extension will be one of the first projects to come before the town’s newly elected commissioners. Complies with new Village Center The project is a request by attorney Justin Ckezepis (pronounced kuh-ZEP-is) to rezone […]
Nov. 3. By Dave Yochum. Commissioner-elect Dave Gilroy called last night’s election results “extraordinary.” The four challengers—Colin Furcht, Michael Osborne and Todd Sansbury, as well as Gilroy—tapped into concerns about growth and development that four of the five incumbents missed. Only Denis Bilodeau, the incumbent who expressed concerns about the approval process around the Junker […]