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Hough High students land top honors in STEM competition

June 4. The Hough High School STEM team, consisting of Xavier Karatz, a rising senior, and Jaswanth Sai Deevela, a rising sophomore, has captured the STEM Spring 2024 Pathway Champion for Entrepreneurship. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math. “They worked the entire day networking with the audience to market and present their art, […]

Hough High STEM team members going to playoffs in Raleigh

May 31. We frequently hear about the many accomplishments of students attending Hough High in Cornelius. Here’s more proof positive: Hough’s STEM team (The North Carolina Varsity Esports & STEM League ) is one of just 21 teams statewide competing Saturday in Raleigh for their state championship. There are 2 students that qualified from William […]