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road improvements

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Bailey Road: Relief may be in sight

Aug. 26. What about the traffic volume on Bailey Road, where both Bailey Middle and Hough High are located? Between buses, students driving to and from school and carpooling, not to mention a variety of residential developments including Bailey’s Glen, Bailey is a real challenge on school days. The town has hired consulting firm Kimley […]

Second new traffic light planned for Hickory intersections

Aug. 20. By Dave Vieser. It will be no surprise to motorists who use the Hickory Street/Main Street intersection that the NC Dept. of Transportation (NCDOT) has decided to install an additional traffic signal at the Zion Street/Hickory Street intersection, along with the previously planned signal at Main and Hickory. Neither one is currently signalized. […]

Exit 27: For whom the tolls toll

April 1. By Dave Vieser. The NCDOT has approved funding for a new exit on I-77: Exit 27 where the interstate is crossed by Westmoreland Road. In order to provide the needed funds, a $10 toll is being imposed on all vehicles utilizing Exit 28 in Cornelius. Crews will erect the toll booths on West […]