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pedestrian safety

This tag is associated with 22 posts
Sidewalk on West Catawba completed

Sidewalk on W. Catawba completed

Feb. 11. By Dave Vieser. It took five months, but the sidewalk in front of the Junker Apartment complex on West Catawba Avenue has finally been completed. Pedestrians and cyclists have been out of luck since September when it came to safely passing in front of the apartment project where the White House Gardens stood […]

Tragic golf cart accident in Statesville in 2022 | Photo: WCNC

Golf cart proliferation causing concern

Nov. 26. The Cornelius Police Dept. has golf carts on their radar as the low-speed vehicles proliferate on residential streets. Background —On June 13, 2022, a golf cart crash in Statesville killed three people and injured three others. —Samantha Miller was killed in a golf cart crash on her wedding night in Folly Beach, South […]

Bethel Church Road

Speed limit coming down on Bethel Church Road

Nov. 20. By Dave Vieser. There’s likely to be a New Years gift for residents on or near Bethel Church Road: A lower speed limit. NCDOT spokeswoman Jen Goodwin told Cornelius Today this week that they are working on getting the ordinance process approved for 35 mph. The process typically takes roughly six weeks. After […]

A sidewalk on West Catawba was torn up during construction / Jason Benavides photo

Is a hold on permits a concrete path to restoring a sidewalk on W. Catawba?

Nov. 13. By Dave Vieser. There is some encouraging news for pedestrians and cyclists, albeit two months after a sidewalk on West Catawba was torn up. A hold has been placed on the Junker apartment project prohibiting any more permits being issued until a new sidewalk is built. Planning Director Rox Burhans said “this is […]

Still no sidewalk

Three weeks later, still no accommodation for pedestrians on W. Catawba

Oct. 14. By Dave Vieser. It looks like pedestrians and cyclists are out of luck when it comes to getting a walkway on West Catawba in front of the Junker apartment project site where White House Gardens used to be. Three weeks have gone by since Cornelius Today first reported on this problem, yet there […]

Challenges crossing the street

Pedestrian safety: New crosswalks coming at three locations

Sept. 3. By Dave Vieser. If it seems like more and more pedestrian crossings are being installed in Cornelius, that’s because its true! With an ever increasing interest among residents in both walking and cycling, the town continues to identify areas where the crossings are needed. And its not just happening in Cornelius. Throughout the […]

Back-to-school: Drivers, please pay attention, follow the rules

Aug. 20. Drivers should make an effort to slow down as kids head back to school. Know that yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is getting ready to stop ─ motorists should slow down and be prepared to stop. Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign indicate the bus is stopped and children are […]

To stop or not to stop; the Police Chief answers the question

Aug. 13. By Dave Vieser. With new pedestrian crosswalks already in place on West Catawba and Jetton Extension and more on the way—Meridian and Catawba, North Main and Legion, and Torrence Chapel Park—there seems to be some confusion as to when a motorist can legally proceed. “If a pedestrian has crossed the roadway and the […]

Could speeds come down on Bethel Church?

July 17. By Dave Vieser. The Cornelius Town Board is asking the NC Dept. of Transportation (NCDOT) to reduce the 45 mph speed limit on Bethel Church Road, between West Catawba and Staghorn at the end. The request will be reviewed and analyzed by the NCDOT. The town has actually received several requests to lower […]


New crosswalks coming on West Catawba

May 14. By Dave Vieser. Town officials say two new crosswalks on West Catawba Avenue, which should be installed and activated by Memorial Day, will be a big step toward making the two-lane artery safer for pedestrians. But they’ll be torn up shortly before a $34 million widening project takes place in 2028-2029. Background Joan […]