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This tag is associated with 84 posts

Davidson Rotary Christmas Tree Village

The Rotary Club of Davidson is accepting orders for Christmas trees that will be on the Davidson Town Green for display during the Christmas in Davidson 2015 celebration, Dec. 3-5. There are fewer than 10 remaining. Decorating the trees, which cost $250, is a great team-building event for businesses. More info: Call Tim Albertson at 336-314-7682

‘Fire 2015’ BBQ is Oct. 24

The Ada Jenkins “Fire 2015” barbecue and cook-off competition is Saturday Oct. 24 at 212 Gamble St. in Davidson. There will be live music as well as food. More info: www.adajenkins.org

Renovated Community Health Clinic kitchen opens Monday

Sept. 27. The Lake Norman Community Health Clinic, the oldest and largest comprehensive medical practice serving uninsured and medically indigent residents of Mecklenburg County and the southern Iredell County, opens its new, renovated kitchen and nutrition training room on Monday. The kitchen was funded and constructed by the members of the 2014-2015 class of Leadership […]


Cornelius cares: United Way Day of Caring

Sept. 14. There was a big turnout Saturday all around town for United Way’s Day of Caring. Volunteers were at places like the Community Garden on Catawba Avenue and Robbins Park on West Catawba to clean up and get ready for cooler weather. Kelly Osborne, president of the Parent Teachers Organization at Cornelius Elementary, was […]