May 14. The Cornelius Police Department will host a dedication and launch for the Joshua Murray Boating, Safety, Education and Awareness Center on Saturday, May 18. The Boating Safety Center comes in response to lake drownings in recent years and honors Officer Joshua Murray‘s legacy. The event is 10 am Saturday, May 18, at the […]
May 8. So far this year, NCWRC has confirmed two dozen wild birds have tested positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in North Carolina, including Mecklenburg. They include a variety of waterfowl and raptor species including American green-winged teal, American white pelican, American wigeon, Canada goose, gadwall, lesser scaup, mallard, northern shoveler, redhead duck, […]
April 23. Cornelius Parks and Recreation, Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists and more than 20 volunteers collected 930 lbs. of trash throughout Cornelius and Lake Norman this past weekend. For every 25 lbs of trash collected, the North Carolina Wildlife Federation will be donating one tree, and the Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists will match their donation. […]
April 16. Lyngbya treatments have begun on lake around Cornelius, according to the Lake Norman Marine Commission. The noxious dark-colored mats have a musty odor and make swimming problematic as temperatures rise. As of right now, Lyngbya infestation levels are relatively low—about 10 acres. A push by local stakeholders has resulted in the Marine Commission […]
March 20. by Dave Yochum. It’s a good time to be buying a new boat, not so much to be selling them. The industry is down due to interest rates and ongoing shifts in consumer confidence, especially around big-ticket items. Ed Watkins Marine in Cornelius has closed, with no apparent plans to reopen any time […]
March 18. The Lake Norman Marine Commission in partnership with the NC State Aquatic Plant Management Program will begin surveying Lake Norman the week of March 25 for Lyngbya cyanobacteria, the unsightly blue-green algae that wreaks havoc with boaters and swimmers. People can report its presence to help create an effective treatment plan. To do […]
Feb. 15. The community-organized Cornelius Water Project announced today that the 2024 Lyngbya Eradication Project for Lake Norman has been fully funded. Investments from Charlotte Water, the City of Charlotte, and Duke Energy along with Catawba, Iredell, Lincoln, and Mecklenburg Counties have provided all the funding required for the 2024 treatments. Some $15,000 has already […]
Jan. 31. By Dave Yochum. Funding for the battle against Lyngbya must be in place by April 1 to stem the fast-rising tide of noxious blue-green algae in Lake Norman, local officials and concerned citizens say. From 2022 to 2023 Lyngbya doubled in Lake Norman, with dense mats—sometimes called sludge—evident in coves around Cornelius, more […]
Jan. 30. By Dave Yochum. The lyngbya cyanobhacteria problem in Lake Norman is not going away, according to health and water quality officials. It has also invaded High Rock Lake and Lake Gaston, where officials are trying to manage if not eradicate the “filamentous cyanobacteria” that forms large nuisance growths on the lake bottom. Thing […]
Jan. 18. Saturday will be sunny and around 32 degrees—perfect for the Lake Norman YMCA’s Annual Polar Plunge & Chili Cook-off. Teams will be walk, jump and tiptoe into the lake to support funding for programs such as summer camp, Afterschool, Preschool, swim lessons and safety around water for all, regardless of ability to pay. […]