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This tag is associated with 30 posts
With apologies to Willy Wonka

Hey, candy man, what’s your Top 10?

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show April 8. My love affair with gas station candy began with the Whatchamacallit. When I was learning to swim I would get one after swim lessons because I was a very brave little boy who jumped into his mother’s arms from the edge of the pool. It was sometime […]

Modern Dad March Maytag Web

Nothing in the kitchen works. Let that sink in.

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show I—like most people my age—grew up in a home that had appliances. I don’t remember anything specific about them other than they had buttons and knobs and churned through daily performances like workhorses. They were the backbone of the house. Cleaners of dishes and underwear. Cookers of breakfasts and […]

Modern Dad 2022 snowday web

Snow daze

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show I love snow days like a five-year-old loves snow days. Once I find out snow is in the forecast I start checking the weather app every six hours for any changes. “Dad, the weather app says the chance of snow is up to 100% and it’s now three to […]

With apologies to Jackie Gleason and “The Honeymooners”

Attention sports fans: Be the bus driver

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show Nov. 5. Youth sports are a big part of our family. My kids love to play and we love to watch them. But as they get older and the demand on time, budgets and everything else has increased exponentially, I’ve started to ask myself: What do I want my […]

Dead Poets Modern Dad

Ode on a Cornelius Urn

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show It’s election season. That time of year when candidates scout out plots of land in high traffic areas and litter them with crooked lawn signs asking for our vote. Once elected they’ll discuss topics during public meetings like maintaining the beautification of our town. I’m a big supporter of […]

modern dad tech

The mere sight of a mobile device may diminish your cognitive resources

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show Sept. 10. I detest mobile devices in all forms. iPhones. iPads. iPods. Whatever you call devices that aren’t made by Apple. Samsungs? If you handed me a Samsung phone I would interact with it in the same manner as if it was handed to a caveman. The first cell […]

Swimmer Final Modern Dad

Reflections on a long, hot summer, with and without kids

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show The Mother of Dragons and I sat at the neighborhood pool on a Sunday last month for four hours with no children. I can’t tell you the last time that’s happened but I’m pretty sure it was the end of the second Bush administration. Where were our kids? I […]

Wedding anniversary Waist up

Surprise, Modern Dad forgot his wedding anniversary

But this makes up for it   MODERN DAD | By Jon Show It took me 16 years to forget my wedding anniversary. I don’t mean forget, as in I forgot until a day or two before and scrambled at the last minute. I mean I straight up forgot. I awoke last month on the […]

Modern D fathers day

109,500 Dad Hours, but who’s counting?

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show June 7. This year marks my 13th Father’s Day as a dad, which means I’ve spent almost a third of my life being a father. Malcolm Gladwell, in his book “Outliers,” examined the idea that a person needs 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something. By […]


Turning 45: A time for introspection? Nope.

Dec. 9. By Jon Show. I turned 45 last week. Man, that must make my parents feel old. So I sit here, on the cusp of ending another trip around the sun, channeling my inner David Byrne and asking, “Well, how did I get here?” Honestly, I have no idea. I’m terrible at looking back […]