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This tag is associated with 24 posts

EarthTalk: How does Canada’s newly released “Food Guide” differ from the food recommendations offered up by the U.S. government?    

Dear EarthTalk: How does Canada’s newly released “Food Guide” differ from the food recommendations offered up by the U.S. government?                                    — J. Wheeler, Albany, NY These days, many countries around the world produce food guidelines periodically to help improve nutrition and encourage healthy lifestyles among their populaces. The most recent update for Americans came in […]


EarthTalk: What exactly is Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project and how does it work to train activists?

Dear EarthTalk: What exactly is Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project and how does it work to train activists?                                                                                                       — Kelly G., Washington, DC The Climate Reality Project (CRP) is a non-profit launched in 2011 by Nobel laureate and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore to address climate change following up on the release of […]


EarthTalk: What are some ways companies are using plastic waste from the ocean in their products to take a stand for the environment?

Dear EarthTalk: What are some ways companies are using plastic waste from the ocean in their products to take a stand for the environment?                                    —Simone LaTourneau, Boston, MA  A recent study published in the journal Science estimates that there are some 86 million metric tons of plastic in the world’s oceans today—and that every year […]

EarthTalk: Trekking for Change: Vietnam’s Hill Tribes Benefit from Ecotourism

High on a mountain in northern Vietnam, the fertile wealth of forests and paddies belies the poverty of the people who live among them. Most houses are thin screens of wood with mud floors and no doors. Chickens and pigs wander in and out of the kitchens, and outhouses—when they exist—are often positioned directly over […]