Dear EarthTalk: How is wind power doing in the US? —P.K. via email March 28. Wind energy is the largest single source of renewable energy in the U.S., comprising 10 percent of the nation’s electricity mix. In Iowa and South Dakota, wind provides more than half the electricity. In 2024, U.S. wind electricity generation surpassed […]
Dear EarthTalk: Can we do a better job repurposing outdated technology instead of trashing it? —R.T Smith, via e-mail March 21. The annual production of “e-waste”—electronic products that have reached the end of their useful life and tossed—is rising by 2.6 million tons globally, on track to reach 82 million tons by 2030. While recycling […]
Dear EarthTalk: What are so-called “green corridors” in cities and how do they help mitigate climate change? —Peter Q, Boston, MA March 7. Green corridors, or ecological corridors, are strips of vegetation and natural landscape dispersed throughout a city. From simple, street-lined rows of trees to interconnected networks of parks and pathways, these developments provide […]
Dear EarthTalk: What is the status of the monarch butterfly in the U.S. and is it listed as threatened or endangered? —M. Smith, Raleigh, NC Feb. 28. The monarch butterfly, known for its awe-inspiring migration across North America, has become a symbol of both ecological wonder and environmental decline. Once abundant across the continent, their […]
Dear EarthTalk: Does the rise in diseases like Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever mean tick populations are on the rise? Are there eco-friendly ways to control ticks? —J.B. via email Feb. 14. Common tick-borne diseases include Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Lyme disease is the most well-known, caused by […]
Dear EarthTalk: What’s the connection between climate change and an increase in so-called atmospheric rivers? —John H., Bridgeport, CT Feb. 7. Atmospheric rivers are narrow bands of water vapor that form in the mid to high latitudes. These can span several miles and carry immense amounts of water—up to 27 times the flow of the […]
Dear EarthTalk: Is it really possible to store large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) in building materials like concrete and plastic? If so, why don’t we do more of it already? —P.L., via email The construction industry, a major contributor to carbon emissions, has an untapped potential to become a powerful ally in […]
Dear EarthTalk: What exactly is congestion pricing as just implemented in New York City and how will it help the environment? Should other cities also adopt this policy? —H.M., San Diego, CA Jan. 24. New York City recently became the first U.S. city to implement congestion pricing, a strategy aimed to reduce traffic in extremely […]
Dear EarthTalk: Why are some people in the green building industry so bullish on bamboo? —Tim Carey, Puyallup, WA Jan. 17. Bamboo, one of the fastest-growing plants on the planet, is well-known as a rudimentary building material used for many centuries. Today, although the resource is often limited to scaffolding or remote housing projects, advocates […]
Dear EarthTalk: What is Jimmy Carter’s environmental legacy? —B.N., Athens, GA Jan. 10. Jimmy Carter, the 39th U.S. President, made a lasting impact on environmental policy. His robust initiatives to protect natural resources and advance clean energy established the foundation for environmental policy in subsequent decades. Despite obstacles, his efforts in land preservation, energy efficiency […]