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downtown Cornelius

This tag is associated with 31 posts
Greenway Gartens artist rendering

Greenway Gartens, Caroline take another step forward

Feb. 1. By Dave Vieser. Architectural plans for the Greenway Gartens project, one of two major developments planned for the northeast section of Cornelius, received a thumbs up at this week’s meeting of the Architectural Review Board. Any further reviews will be handled at the county level, according to Senior Town Planner Aaron Tucker. The […]

Mills Market is a transformational project planned downtown

Downtown Re-development topic of Newsmakers Breakfast Feb. 15

Jan. 29. The next transformation of downtown Cornelius will be the subject of the Feb. 15 Newsmakers Breakfast at The Peninsula Club hosted by Cornelius Today and Business Today. Background Downtown changed dramatically a quarter century ago with the addition of Town Hall, the Police Station and the live-work units to the south of Food […]


Cain Center at one year mark: Redevelopment is happening

Jan. 5. [One-year anniversary] The Cain Center for the Arts has surpassed the town’s expectations in every way, according to Mayor Woody Washam. “Town investment in the center has stimulated the redevelopment and reinvention of our downtown as an economic driver for the entire region,” Washam said. “Cain Center for the Arts is truly fulfilling […]


Cain at the one-year mark: Downtown Cornelius transforming

Jan. 3. [One year anniversary] The Cain Center for the Arts, on its first anniversary, is being celebrated as a gathering place and economic development driver. Paul Newton, Cain Center Board president and chair, said the founders and benefactors of the $25 million facility knew it would be much more than a beautiful building. Community […]

Huge crowd for Light Up Cornelius

Nov. 27. At least 1,000 people attended the Light Up Cornelius event in downtown Cornelius Saturday, complete with an appearance by Santa, a snowy hillside for sledding and a new town Christmas tree. The 30-foot tree is in the Cain Center for the Arts plaza.

Mills Market is a transformational project planned downtown

Town Board approves Mill’s Market, with Gilroy casting lone no-vote

Sept. 19. By Dave Vieser. By a 4-1 margin, the Town Board approved rezoning for Mill’s Market, a 250,000-square-foot mixed-use project in the heart of downtown Cornelius. The project will be located on a prime downtown parcel: 2.3 acres on the south side of Catawba, between Meridian Street and the Cain Center for the Arts. […]

Mills Market is a transformational project planned downtown

Public hearing on Mill’s Market at Town Board meeting tonight

Sept. 18. By Dave Vieser. A public hearing on Mill’s Market, another transformational project in downtown Cornelius, takes place this evening at Town Hall. The planned 250,000 square foot development would be four stories tall and, if approved, one of the most significant projects downtown ever, in the same league as Town Hall, the Police […]

Rustic and Main opens retail shop in Oak Street Mill

Aug. 25. Rustic & Main, a custom, hand-crafted online jewelry business founded in Huntersville in 2016, has opened an 1,800-square-foot retail shop in the Oak Street Mill in Old Town Cornelius. Owners Summer and Mike Yarbrough have about a half dozen people on site for customer service and marketing. The business, which was started in […]

Mills Market is a transformational project planned downtown

Planning Board approves Mills Market

Aug. 15. By Dave Vieser. The Cornelius Planning Board unanimously approved Mills Market, a 250,000-square-foot mixed-use project planned for downtown Cornelius. The approval last night comes with conditions, most of which are standard rezoning issues. The project is on a prime parcel: 2.3 acres on the south side of Catawba Avenue, just east of Meridian, […]

The Cain Center for the Arts executive director Justin Dionne | Photo by Dave Yochum

The Cain Center for the Arts is off to a boffo start

March 22. By TL Bernthal. As the inaugural season for the Cain Center for the Arts hits mid-season, executive director Justin Dionne is looking ahead and booking acts for the fall. The inaugural season was somewhat like a soft opening for the center staff, learning what works well and how to enhance the experience. “This […]