Aug. 6. By Dave Vieser, More than a dozen concerned citizens attended the Aug. 5 Cornelius Town Board Meeting, asking for assistance with storm water drainage issues in the Twin Oaks senior citizen neighborhood.
“When I look out my window, I see dirty water, a sinking broken pipe, and it makes me very sad,” said resident Mary Rescigno.”We need your help.”

Photo by Jason Benavides
Similar comments were voiced by other residents, asking for guidance from town officials. Town Manager Andrew Grant advised that, while the issue dealt with private properety, the town would be “glad to meet with the citizens and offer any advice and guidance which we can.”
Most of the citizens who live in Twin Oaks live on Oakleaf Circle, and county tax records show that the community was built around 1995.
In other action, the commissioners:
—Agreed unanimously with a recommendation from Town Planning Director Rox Burhans to discontinue the town historical preservation committee.”The Town received a request from the Cornelius History Museum, LLC to discontinue the Preservation Committee and have it merge into a Cornelius History Museum Advisory Committee,” Burhans said. “The new committee would help support development of the museum and other preservation endeavors. The new committee will also continue to be a resource to the Town in the historic landmarks designation process and related matters.”
—Authorized the Town Manager and Town Attorney to finalize contract terms with Husky Construction Corp. of Charlotte for $1.88 million to cover the construction of the Bailey Road Park Court Complex, Phase One. They also authorized the town to enter into a contract with Musco Lighting of Oskaloosa La. for $252,000 for court lighting at the same complex. The changes will largely transfer the complex into a pickleball court complex, which should be completed by July 2025.