April 18. Supporters of the Smithville Revitalization Plan will come before the Town Board this evening, asking for millions of dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act for their community.
Smithville leaders plan to march from Union Bethel AME Zion Church at 20736 Catawba Ave. to Town Hall to make their feelings known.

Former Town Commissioner Mike Miltich said he will join the walk to show his support. The march along Catawba Avenue leaves at 5:15 pm from Union Bethel.
Leaders have asked for $6.6 million out of the $9.6 million Cornelius will receive from the American Rescue Plan Act. ARPA funds are a one-time windfall for governments across the United States.
Mecklenburg County has already awarded SCC $3 million.
The historic Black community just east of I-77 has suffered from neglect over the years, according to SCC officials as well as community leaders.
Town Board rules permit speakers four minutes each to express their opinions, unless they designate a spokesman for three or more attendees, who can then speak for ten minutes..
No final decision is expected as the commissioners await the final results of a town-wide survey on how the $9.6 million should be spent.
Also on the agenda
—A request for the Town Board to initiate condemnation proceedings so Cornelius can obtain property for a new Electritcities Utility power sub station. The property the town wants is located on the east side of Highway 115 a short distance north of Bailey Road and is comprised of five acres, currently owned by CBD of Charlotte, LLC. The towns appraisal and offer was for $138,485.
“The Town has made an offer based on this recent appraisal “ said Deputy Town Manager Wayne Herron “ and a settlement has been unable to be reached; therefore, the next step is condemnation.”
Monday’s meeting will be held in Town Hall on Catwaba Avenue; it will also be live streamed on the town web site: www.cornelius.org. then link to watch online meetings.