The many faces of Smithville
April 14. By Dave Yochum. Members of the Smithville Community Coalition, Smithville residents and supporters will march to Town Hall on Monday to show support for a multimillion-dollar revitalization plan that would tap into the town’s American Rescue Plan Act funds.
The march will assemble at 4:30 pm at Union Bethel AME Zion Church and march to Town Hall at 5:15 pm in time for the Board of Commissioners meeting at 6 pm.
Smithville leaders are asking for $6.6 million out of the $9.6 million Cornelius will receive from the American Rescue Plan Act. ARPA funds are a one-time windfall for governments across the United States.
County thumbs up
Mecklenburg County has already awarded SCC $3 million.
The historic Black community just east of I-77 has suffered from neglect over the years, according to SCC officials as well as community leaders.
Now, residents hope to retain as many existing and historic structures as possible, get sidewalks and wider streets, fix sewer-water issues and at the same time provide workforce housing that also allows current residents to stay in their homes.

Willie Jones, an SCC board member and a driving force behind the revitalization plan, said the neighborhood could be developed as multi-ethnic, mixed-income, mixed-tenure with primarily working class residents.
The Cornelius Planning Board has unanimously endorsed the Smithville Revitalization Plan.
The town back in February said the Smithville plan should be reviewed by the Planning Board, the Architectural Review Board, Parks and Recreation Commission and the Mayors Housing Study Committee.
The Town must finalize the 2021-22 Fiscal Year budget by June 30.
Union Bethel is located at 20736 Catawba Ave.