Jan. 25. By Dave Vieser. On the heels of approving a controversial cell tower near Jetton Road, the Cornelius Town Board now wants to evaluate a possible reduction in permitted distances between cell phone towers. The issue will be discussed at the Monday Jan. 25 Land Development Code Advisory Board (LDCAB) meeting.
The recently approved Cottonwood Cell Tower case has generated an interest in reviewing cell tower requirements, according to Planning Director Aaron Tucker. Current zoning regulations state that no wireless communications tower shall be sited within one mile of another wireless communications tower.

“The Town Board is interested in potentially reducing the one mile separation requirement,” Tucker said.
The purpose for the recently approved higher tower is to improve cell phone reception in the Jetton Road/Peninsula area as well as on adjacent sections of Lake Norman. (For a private citizen’s take on the matter, click here.)
The Cottonwood tower was ultimately approved by a 3-2 margin, but during the town board’s hearing there was an unusually strong split among board members. The issue also generated strenuous opposition from residents.
Meeting at 5:30 pm Jan. 25
Monday’s meeting will begin at 5:30pm and will be an electronic meeting via zoom. Residents can view the meeting by accessing the town web site www.cornelius.org, then connecting to the ‘zoom meeting link’ in the agenda and minutes section.
Any change recommended by LDCAB would have to be approved by the Town Board before it could be implemented.