If you believe gasoline is gasoline, then the fact that Exxon has replaced Shell at the Express Mart on West Catawba Avenue is no big deal. “It’s a local change that we’re implementing just in the Charlotte area,” said 7-Eleven spokeswoman Margaret Chabris. Texas based 7-Eleven acquired 55 Sam’s Mart Convenience Stores in the Charlotte area back in 2012.
But if you were always sure of Shell gasoline, with its nitrogen additives, you’ll have to drive to Huntersville or Mooresville. Oil industry analyst Tom Kloza said Shell has a loyal following, especially in light of its consistent branding efforts. He is one of the founders of New Jersey based Oil Price Information Service.
New pumps and signs were installed in June. At some point, Chabris said the store will be rebranded as a 7-Eleven.
She said unbranded stores are operated with “our 7-Eleven standards of cleanliness, guest service and product assortment.”