You can help by joining Birkdale Village in supporting Second Harvest every Friday at Live Under the Oaks.
Each Friday in September, Birkdale Village will be collecting donations from 6-8 pm in effort to end hunger in our community. If you bring five items at once, you will receive a special swag item.
Please review the list of items below and bring them with you when you come to attend the concerts.
Suggested donation items:
Canned Fish or Meat
Peanut Butter
Canned Low Sodium Soups or Stews
Canned or dry beans
Canned fruits in juice
Canned Low Sodium Vegetables
The September schedule of performers:
Sept. 3- PUSHH
Sept. 10- Runnin’ Down a Dream- The Tom Petty Tribute Band
Sept. 17- Wagon Load a Trouble
Sept.24- Thirsty Horses