Santa Claus | Photo: Cornelius PARC Dept.
Nov. 22. Possibly because Santa himself will attend the North Mecklenburg Holiday Parade on Saturday, Dec. 7, the parade will go on, rain or shine. Literally hundreds of local floats will participate with thousands of spectators lining Main Street from Davidson College to Catawba Avenue.
Cornelius Today has learned that Santa will be in the last float. (Parade participants should not dress as Santa or Mrs. Claus.)
The parade starts at 1 pm in Davidson, not long after Santa lands.
In case of severe weather conditions, go to the Town of Davidson’s Facebook page or call the weather hotline at 704-940-9637 for information. This line will be updated at 9 am on Dec. 7.
—Main Street from Beaty in Davidson to Washam-Potts Road in Cornelius will be closed from 12:30 pm to 4 pm.
—Catawba Avenue will shut down prior to Hwy. 115. Tractor trailers will not be allowed east of Hwy. 21 on Catawba.
—Parade line-up takes place between 10 am and noon. Any vehicle that arrives before 10 must have the driver on site.
—All parade participants must be in their assigned position no later than noon.

N. Meck Christmas Parade
—Parade participants should not throw candy.
—All streets will be closed no later than 12:30 pm, with some streets in the staging area closed earlier.
—All parade entries with animals are responsible for cleaning up after their animals in the staging area, along the parade route and properly disposing of animal waste.
—Floats cannot exceed 13 feet in height or 16 feet in width.
—Keep at least 40 feet (4 car lengths) between entries and do not stop.
In the event of an emergency on the parade route, all participants are asked to move to the right side of the Main Street (southbound lane) to allow emergency services to pass in the left (northbound) lane.