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Cornelius News

Revised business park project has been resubmitted for town review

Bailey Road runs across the bottom of this site plan

Jan. 13. By Dave Yochum. A commercial development that was proposed for the north side of Bailey Road just east of Hwy. 115 has been dramatically modified in hopes of making it through the approval process in Cornelius.

Greenberg Gibbons Properties withdrew their plans to build Cornelius Commerce Center in July of 2023 after opposition from neighbors—Bailey’s Glen in particular—largely about traffic.

The revised plan reduces the number of buildings from five to four.

It also:

±Reduces the square footage by over 10,000 square feet

Drew Thigpen

±Increases landscaping setbacks from 30 feet to 40 feet

±Adds green space and public amenities.

±Addresses an existing sight distance safety hazard at a current Bailey Road Park entrance.


Drew Thigpen, partner at Greenberg Gibbons, said the amenities include a half-acre public dog park, four pickleball courts and more than 4,600 feet of sidewalks and walking trails at no cost to the Town.

“We’re really excited about the project, and we’re confident about the ultimate outcome, because we have made extensive changes and modifications to the proposed project, all of which result in a project that is drastically improved for all stakeholders, most notably the Cornelius residents,” Thigpen said.

He said it conforms to the land use that Cornelius planners have identified and reserved this parcel for, a business campus.

Next up

The project, renamed Cornelius Business Park, will go before the Pre-development Review Committee in a matter of weeks, then the Planning Board and, ultimately, the Town Board.


The property has been owned by members of the Hunter family who are ready to sell.

“This is a project that anyone who is interested in or passionate about personal property rights should be following very closely, whether you’re in Cornelius or anywhere in North Carolina,” said Wes Hunter on behalf of the property owners.

Greenberg Gibbons will invest $40 million into the project.


“It’s critical for all residents in Cornelius to know that one of the most difficult things to unwind for a town is if it becomes a bedroom community – if it becomes the type of town where everyone leaves to work. Once that happens, one of two things must happen: either the level of services the town can provide deteriorate or property taxes must go up. This project will directly reduce the need to increase property taxes.”

—Drew Thigpen, of Greenberg Gibbons


10 Responses to “Revised business park project has been resubmitted for town review”

  1. Eighteen wheelers on that road to supply small businesses there would STILL be a disaster. That was the main obstacle for this project in 2023.

    Posted by J C Spain | January 13, 2025, 12:45 pm
  2. Agreed! I can’t see residents on that road changing their minds from voting against this project to going forward by reducing one (1) building. Looks like a lot of fancy talk by Thigpen to win that community over. Hopefully, the majority will not fall for it!

    Posted by Anonymous | January 13, 2025, 6:27 pm
  3. CMS is moving 6th-8th grade students from Davidson K-8 to Bailey Middle School, beginning school year 2025-2026. That’s more traffic, more congestion, and NOW we need to, once again, fight this business park after our commissioners voted it down August 2023. NOTHING HAS CHANGED with Bailey Road or concerned citizens since then. WE DON’T WANT OR NEED THIS BUSINESS PARK. Odd this comes up AGAIN within a short time of our commissioners and Mayoral election! Shame on you!!! So Thigpen thinks that adding 4 pickleball courts which, by the way, are being built IN BAILEY PARK across the street, AND A DOG PARK with ONE LESS BUILDING is a different plan. We are smarter than that. What about the 18-wheerlers and trucks, school traffic, and students safety?????

    Posted by Deborah Coppa | January 13, 2025, 8:47 pm
  4. Please give the Cornelius community residents the courtesy of providing information for the upcoming Pre-Development Review Committee, along with the Planning Board meeting as when this New and Improved (!) proposal will be presented. Concerned citizens may wish to attend. Thank you.

    Posted by Concern Citizen | January 13, 2025, 9:04 pm
  5. I feel sorry for anyone living close to those pickleball courts.

    Posted by Chris | January 14, 2025, 8:56 am
  6. The traffic situation has not improved since Thigpen’s initial proposal.
    Quite the opposite is slated based on the increased student population increase as mentioned earlier.

    Bailey Middle’s enrollment for the current school year is 1,290 students, while the building’s capacity is 1,140. Davidson K-8 has 1,191 students with a capacity of 1,040. Once the middle school students move from Davidson K-8 to Bailey Middle, Davidson Elementary will have a projected 777 students for 2025-2026 while Bailey Middle surges to 1,704 students – more than 550 students over capacity.

    Posted by Julie | January 14, 2025, 10:34 am
  7. Stop Stop Stop
    Look Look Look
    Listen Listen Listen
    Stop The Building
    Look at the traffic and lack of quality roads
    Listen to the residents who pay their taxes

    Posted by Tedra Maves | January 14, 2025, 1:26 pm
  8. I don’t really know anything about zoning, but I don’t like the idea of someone not being able to sell their land if that’s what the town says it’s supposed to be used for. That doesn’t sound right to me.

    Posted by Mike | January 14, 2025, 4:08 pm
  9. Oh boy. These guys are relentless. This is a terrible idea. The traffic is bad enough now without roughly 200,000 sq ft of who knows what. Semi trucks and other vehicles are a valid concern. There is a park RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET if you’d like to walk on sidewalks or walk your dog. I hope the city council votes this down unanimously and the greedy devs slither back to whatever the next project is.

    I just had an idea…how about turning Alexander Farm into this? That’s already a disaster. Thanks city planners.

    Posted by Jamie B. | January 15, 2025, 7:48 am
  10. Still a hard no. Wrong place for it, and not a need (and how many other pickleball courts are going in nearby?). My favorite quote is from their crystal ball “This project will directly reduce the need to increase property taxes.” Amazing how THIS property would do that, while all of the other over development of Cornelius (and the many approved projects that still haven’t started) hasn’t had that outcome.

    Posted by J | January 16, 2025, 7:55 am

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