Point of Grace Lutheran Church has completed its move from a storefront on North Main Street in Cornelius to a freestanding building on Hwy. 21 just south of Sam Furr Road in Huntersville. The congregation meets 11 am Sundays for a reduced-length service with social distancing.
Community in Christ is offering “Splash in God’s Word” Summer Activity, July 19-23. Registration information can be found on the church website for a fun, water and faith-filled week with a combination of parking lot (in or next to your car) gatherings, take-home activities and some virtual content. Please register by July 6.
—NovusWay Ministries will be premiering Vespers on Sunday evenings at 4 pm. The Vespers opportunity can be found at https://www.facebook.com/Lutheridge each Sunday of the summer.
—NC Synod Worship Opportunity: The synod office has subscribed to a call-in plan for folks worshiping across the synod. Call the toll-free number any time during the week to hear the previous Sunday’s recorded worship. Starting on Monday of each week, you may call 833-924-1988 to access it. Press 1 to hear the full worship; press 2 to hear the sermon; and press 3 to hear the prayers.
First Baptist Church of Cornelius has reopened the church for Sunday worship at 11 am and Wednesday Bible study at 2 pm and 6:30 pm. Due to the new coronavirus pandemic, the church has taken the following safety precautions. Please be observe the following safety precautions:
Face coverings (masks) are now required in the sanctuary.
Make the right decisions for you and your family.
If you are 65 or older or have an underlying health condition you are encouraged to stay at home.
If you display symptoms of being sick, stay home. You may be asked to leave.
If at anytime you feel unsafe, please feel free to leave
If you see something, say something.
Please maintain 6 ft social distancing.
Please use hand sanitizers, wipes, etc. as needed.
Masks are available for those who want one.
Children should remain with parent or guardian.
No congregational singing without a mask.
You will be excused by rows at the end of service.
If you congregate after the service, please continue to observe these safety guidelines.
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church offers worship on the front lawn on Sundays at 9:30 am (weather permitting). You may also listen on your FM radio at 101.3 if you are in the parking lot or within a half mile of the church. Online Worship services will be broadcast live at 11 am on Sundays through the church website, Facebook, and YouTube. These services will be viewable at anytime later on Sunday or the rest of the week.
Communion on July 5 will be celebrated. You will have the opportunity to participate in the following ways: If you attend the outdoor service, individual prepackaged juice cups with wafers will be available. You may bring your own juice and bread for your family.
If you are unable to attend the outdoor service and would like to receive Communion, come by the church from noon until 1 and one of the pastors will serve you in your car.
Or you can contact the church office by July 2 (or email a pastor) and a pastor or communion steward will deliver communion to your porch on the afternoon of July 5.
Faith and Racism Discussion Group is held Wednesday nights at 7 pm on the front lawn of the church in the shade of the large Magnolia tree. Discussion on the book “America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America” by Jim Wallis.