Susan Tillis: Red White & Bundled
May 25. The Susan M. Tillis Foundation’s Red, White and Bundled Baby Shower returns today after a two-year COVID absence. The goal: 1,200 baby bundles for junior enlisted at Fort Bragg.
Bring baby items such as:
—Newborn and preemie diapers, wipes, onesies (0-3)
—Sleepers (0-3), bibs, blankets
—Gift cards to purchase car seats and strollers.
May 25 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm at the Cornelius Town Hall, 21445 Catawba Ave. It’s open to everyone.
All items received will be bundled into welcome home packages for newborns of junior enlisted at Fort Bragg where the annual income for the recipient families is approximately $21,000.
Red, White and Bundled grew out of a visit by Tillis, the program’s founder, to Fort Bragg in early 2015.
Her day job is broker in charge of the Allen Tate office in Davidson. Her husband Thom is US Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina.
“Through the years, we have received thank you notes from hundreds of new moms which underscore the positive impact that the Foundation is having on the lives of our military families. It is an honor to continue to serve those who serve us.” commented Tillis.
More info: Susantillis.org.