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Davidson News

ReadDavidson announces book selections

Nov. 30. ReadDavidson, an annual town-wide reading initiative that started in 2007, is a partnership between the Town of Davidson, the Davidson Public Library, Main Street Books, and local avid readers.

For 2023, ReadDavidson is excited to announce that it is joining forces to support and enhance the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s (CML) Community Read initiative. This partnership will encourage the Davidson community to read (or listen to) the book, talk about it, attend library programs, and celebrate the love of reading.

“The Community Read is designed to bring people together to talk about the same books and to establish a community of readers and learners,” said Marie Harris, Davidson Public Library Branch Manager and ReadDavidson committee member.

ReadDavidson and Charlotte Mecklenburg Library are pleased to announce the following book selections:

Adult (Fiction): The People We Keep by Allison Larkin

Young Adult (Fiction): The Edge of Anything by Nora Shalaway Carpenter

Middle Grades (Fiction): Front Desk by Kelly Yang

Children’s Picture Book: The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates