Source: Duke Energy
Dec. 27. Lake levels are back up near target, about 96.5 this morning, slightly above normal target levels for December and January.
Drought conditions have been responsible for low lake levels, dropping below 97 feet in August and still lower in November and December.
The target level for Duke is 96 feet. Normal maximum elevation is 100 feet.
On Nov. 1, the Catawba-Wateree River Basin entered Stage 1 of the Low Inflow Protocol (LIP) due to continued dry conditions and lack of rainfall in the area. Residents using water from a Duke Energy lake for landscape irrigation were asked to limit watering and some boat ramps closed.
Debris in the water
Due to rising lake levels, there has been an increase in flotsam and jetsam.
Cornelius Police said boaters should keep an eye out for floating debris.