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Cornelius News

Protest expected during official opening of US Rep. Tim Moore’s office

Photo by Jason Benavides

Feb. 19. By Dave Yochum. “Local progressives” say they will stage a protest during the official opening of US Rep. Tim Moore’s office at Cornelius Town Hall at 4 pm Thursday, weather permitting.

The timing coincides with a ribbon-cutting for the new office for Moore staff inside Cornelius Town Hall.
Moore, the former speaker of the NC House of Representatives, will be there to cut the ribbon and make remarks.

The protest here is said to be over the gerrymandered district that goes from Cornelius and Davidson to Polk County and Burke County. “It cuts us off from the rest of Mecklenburg County and other contiguous counties near North  Mecklenburg,” an organizer said.

US Rep. Tim Moore

Police have stated the protest may take place at the main entrance steps to Town Hall.

Statewide rallies

The rallies statewide are in favor of Democratic candidate for the Supreme Court of North Carolina Justice Allison Riggs.

Incumbent Riggs was appointed to serve on the North Carolina Supreme Court in September 2023 and ran for a full term in 2024.

Republican candidate Jefferson Griffin has attempted to have the results overturned.

Recounts have confirmed Riggs’ lead over Griffin by 734 votes. But Griffin is protesting thousands of ballots over alleged voting irregularities. The NC Board of Elections dismissed his protests due to a lack of evidence.