April 16. Cornelius commissioners are expected to consider a resolution permitting Police Officer Jeffrey Heinz to purchase his service weapon. The unusual request stems from an incident three years ago when Heinz used his Glock Model 22 to protect the life of Lt. James Quattlebaum.


“This service weapon has great significance to Officer Heinz,” said Major Kevin Black of the Cornelius Police. “His desire is to not only purchase the weapon but also to ensure it is never used again in the performance of an officer’s duty.” Heinz will pay $437.63 for the gun, which is its replacement value.
The incident when the weapon was used involved Greyson Ferrell, a Cornelius teen who shot Lt. Quattlebaum, in what police described as both a domestic incident and an ambush. Ferrell eventually pled guilty to assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and assault with a firearm on a law enforcement officer. He was sentenced to a minimum term of seven years in jail last September.
Quattlebaum was wearing a bullet proof vest at the time of the attack, and while he sustained significant injury, he has since recovered.