Davidson’s Spring Art Crawl is May 8
Events are returning to Lake Norman as more people are vaccinated against COVID-19 and gathering restrictions change. Some events require registration, social distancing and wearing face masks.
Here’s a look at what’s coming up:
May 6
Blue Monday. 5 – 9 pm. Classic MTV 80’s and 90’s tribute. Free. No outside coolers permitted. 401 Langtree Rd., Mooresville.
May 7
Bob Trice. 6-8 pm at Birkdale Village in the Grove. A bar will be onsite in the designated area provided by Red Rocks Cafe. Guests are strongly encouraged to continue social distancing in groups and wear masks.

Regal Movie Theater at Birkdale Village is scheduled to re-open May 7
The theater at Birkdale Village is scheduled to re-open.
May 8
5-8 pm May 8 along Main Street in downtown Davidson and South Main Square, Davidson.
Lake Norman Bike Expo and community ride
Plum Creek Park, 18928 Bartlette Creek Dr., Davidson. The 10-mile guided Community Bike Ride will travel through neighborhoods and greenways of Cornelius and Davidson; start times are staggered at 9 am and 9:30am. Helmets and advance registration required. Ages 14 and older with an adult welcome. The event is free but registration for the Community Bike Ride(s) is required. Sign-up at www.townofdavidson.org/dpr
Bring the whole family for the Family Bike Ride at 10:30 a.m. or the Kids’ Bike Rodeo from 10 am to noon. Masks and helmets required.
The Bike Expo will be 10 am to noon with a Family Ride of 2 miles at 10:30 am.
Participate in the National John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement
Join with others across America to defeat voter suppression.
National Broadcast, 12-2 pm
Hosted by Transformative Justice Coalition
•Click here to view by Facebook
•Click here to view by Youtube
Community Rally, 4-6 pm
Join Unity in Community, along with our local partners, in this dynamic virtual rally. Be energized by local talent, learn about voting issues and be empowered to take action.
•Register now to receive Zoom login.
Farmers Market in Huntersville
8 am-noon Saturdays through September at Veterans Park, 201 Huntersville-Concord Rd., Huntersville
Cain Center for the Arts Tap Takeover
The center is sponsoring live music 5–7 pm May 8 at Ass Clown Brewing Co., 10620 Bailey Road E. Band: Seven Day Haze.

The Khaleda Run/Butterfly Release is May 8
The Khaleda Run / Butterfly Release
Info ion the even in Denver and signup here. Benefits BlindSight, a non-government organization committed to changing lives through vision and learning.
May 10 -16
Symetra Classic Golf Tournament
Various times at River Run Golf and Country Club, 19125 River Falls Dr., Davidson.
May 11
Yoga Six. A special workout class 6-7 pm at Birkdale Village, Huntersville. While the events are not ticketed, guests are strongly encouraged to continue social distancing in groups and wear masks.
May 13
Jill Goodson Band. 5 – 9 pm. Favorite hits from the 70’s and 80’s. Free. No outside coolers permitted. 401 Langtree Rd., Mooresville.
May 14
The HC Oakes Band. 6-8 pm at Birkdale Village in the Grove. A bar will be onsite in the designated area provided by Red Rocks Cafe.
Guests are strongly encouraged to continue social distancing in groups and wear masks.
2nd Friday Street Festival is back with a series of all-new themed editions through October. The series kicks off May 14 with the Arts District Kickoff Celebration 6-10 pm at the Oak Street Mill. Activities include live music, special performances, games, vendors, food and drink.
Other events in the series are scheduled: June 11 – Kids Fest; July 9 – America’s Birthday BBQ Bash; Aug. 13 – Celebrate the Lake; Sept. 10 – Taste of the World; Oct .8 – Oktoberfest.
The Old Town Cornelius’ 2nd Friday Arts District kickoff one May 14 will commemorate the center’s official groundbreaking.
May 15

“Trolls World Tour” will be will be shown at Legion Park May 15
“Trolls World Tour” at Legion Park, 21214 Legion St. Free, but registration required. Check-in will be held at the baseball field outfield gate. Gate opens at 6:30 pm, including concessions available for purchase. Weather permitting, the movie will begin at dusk, approximately 8:30 pm.
Cain Center for the Arts Tap Takeover
Primal Brewery’s event is all day, 1–11pm May 15, but the Cain Center’s portion is 5-7pm at 6432 Old Statesville Rd., Huntersville. Bands: Dan Stanton & Bradley Cloninger Duo 1–4pm; The HC Oakes Band 5-7pm; Ziggy Pockets 8-11pm.
May 18
Gotta Yoga. A special workout class 6-7 pm at Birkdale Village, Huntersville. While the events are not ticketed, guests are strongly encouraged to continue social distancing in groups and wear masks. The Grove across from TCBY every Tuesday evening through October.
May 20
Kids in America. 5 – 9 pm. Total 80’s experience. Free. No outside coolers permitted. 401 Langtree Rd., Mooresville.
May 21
Stormin’ Norman. 6-8 pm at Birkdale Village in the Grove. A bar will be onsite in the designated area provided by Red Rocks Cafe. Guests are strongly encouraged to continue social distancing in groups and wear masks.
May 22
Cain Center for the Arts Tap Takeover

Cain Center for the Arts Tap Takeover: Courtney Lynn & Quinn will perform at Eleven Lakes Brewing Co.
May 22, 3–5 pm. Eleven Lakes Brewing Co., 10228 Bailey Rd #201. Band: Courtney Lynn & Quinn.
Jazz Fest
Enjoy a free jazz concert by Dante Lewis and Eli Yacinthe. Registration is open. 5 – 8 pm at Smithville Park, 19710 South Ferry St. Food trucks and beverage concessions. Coolers and picnic baskets are allowed. No glass bottles or containers, tobacco products, smoking, e-cigs, pets, tents or open flames.
May 25
Gotta Yoga. A special workout class 6-7 pm at Birkdale Village, Huntersville. While the events are not ticketed, guests are strongly encouraged to continue social distancing in groups and wear masks. The Grove across from TCBY.
May 27
Rockie Lynne Band. Country music. 5 – 9 pm. Free. No outside coolers permitted. 401 Langtree Rd., Mooresville.
May 28
The Mod 60s. 6-8 pm at Birkdale Village in the Grove. A bar will be onsite in the designated area provided by Red Rocks Cafe. Guests are strongly encouraged to continue social distancing in groups and wear masks.
May 29
Cain Center for the Arts Tap Takeover
4–6 pm at D9 Brewing Lake Norman, 11138 Treynorth Dr. Band: Province of Thieves.
June 2
The town will be partnering with One Blood to host a blood drive 10 am to 3 pm at Town Hall. Schedule an appointment.
June 5
Cain Center for the Arts Tap Takeover
4–6 pm at Royal Bliss Brewing Co., 7532 Royal Bliss Ct.. Denver. Band: The Trailblazers
Bands are being booked for Concerts on the Green on The Village Green and Davidson’s two new concert series: Concerts @ the Circles will take place on Jetton Street in front of The Linden Apartments; and Second Saturday Concerts @ The Square will take place at South Main Square in the parking lot by The Crazy Pig.
All concerts are from 6-8 pm with concerts later in the season this year and through October.
Concerts on the Green are held 6-8 pm Sundays: July 4 and 18, Aug. 1 and 15; Sept. 5 and 19; and Oct. 3 and 17.
Concerts @ The Circles are 6-8 pm Saturdays: June 5 and 26; July 3 and 24; Aug. 7 and 28; Sept. 4 and 25; Oct. 2 and 23.
Second Saturdays @ The Square: June 12, July 10, Aug. 14, Sept.11, Oct. 9.
June 26
“Captain Marvel” at Legion Park, 21214 Legion St. Free, but registration required. Registration will open to Cornelius residents on Tuesday, June 8, and to the general public on Tuesday, June 15.
Check-in will be held at the baseball field outfield gate. Gate opens at 6:30 pm, including concessions available for purchase. Weather permitting, the movie will begin at dusk, approximately 8:30 pm.