Sept. 4. By Dave Yochum. The median number of new cases this past week is running 5.2 percent ahead of the past month for a third day in a row, meanwhile the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services today reported 2,045 new cases of the coronavirus statewide.
The largest statewide increases in new COVID-19 cases over the past month have occurred in the past week, with a holiday weekend getting under way today.
“This virus is just as contagious and deadly on a holiday as it is any other day, and I want everyone in North Carolina to continue taking it seriously over the long weekend,” said Gov. Roy Cooper.

NC Gov. Roy Cooper
The state’s median number of new daily cases over the past week is 1,415, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Over the past month, the median daily number is 1,345.
—Total number of people hospitalized rose by 97 in today’s report, to 955 statewide. Yesterday the total number of people hospitalized—858 statewide—was a two-month low.
—The number of new deaths statewide in today’s NCDHHS report was 36, up from 24 new deaths yesterday but down from 38 on Wednesday and 39 on Tuesday.
—Positive test results have been coming back at the rate of 7.6 percent statewide for three days. The goal is to trend down from 5 percent, according to NCDHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen.
More businesses will be allowed to reopen at 5 pm Friday, but younger children will be required to wear masks in public as North Carolina moves into the next stage of the pandemic recovery effort.
Mass gatherings are limited to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors.
Mecklenburg County
Mecklenburg continues to account for about 10 percent of the state’s new confirmed cases per day, with 6.7 percent of tests coming back positive.
The median number of daily new cases over the past week is 2.6 percent below the median number of new cases per day during the past month, or 147 vs. 151.
NCDHHS today reported 165 new cases in Mecklenburg for a total of 26,021 since the outbreak began. Mecklenburg accounts for 10 percent of total statewide new cases. (See chart below)
North Meck
—Cornelius: 4 new cases, total 458 (353 on Aug. 4). 16 deaths total, none new in more than a month
—Davidson: 2 new cases, total 263 (196 on Aug. 4). 5 deaths total, none new in more than a month
—Huntersville: 9 new cases, 839 total (592 on Aug. 4). 11 deaths total, 1 new Aug. 26