
Recent News

david vieser
Tue, Sep 3, 10:42 AM (23 hours ago)
to me

Under the rezoning agreement, the developer was to acquire the vacant land east of the current Zion Avenue, then realign Zion Avenue so that a roundabout could be built where the new Zion Avenue would meet Lawn Market Street.
This would provide a safer access route to Greenway Gartens and more space for cars to line up for the North Main/Catawba signal.

Town Board: Project approved in 2021 may take a step forward with possible condemnation

Sept. 3. By Dave Vieser. A rezoning agreement approved by a previous town board in 2021 may force the current commissioners to initiate condemnation proceedings in order for the Greenway Gartens mixed-use project to proceed in a safe manner. A decision is expected at tonight’s meeting. The project, on a 25-acre plot east of North […]

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