Davidson Veterans Monument rendering
April 3. Douwe Blumberg, who has been commissioned to produce the Davidson Veterans Monument, is in town to conduct public meetings with members of the Davidson Public Art Commission and the Davidson Veterans Committee.
The Lexington, Ky., sculptor will also visit the .2 acre sculpture site in front of the Post Office, known as the Nancy H. MacCormac Plaza after the town’s first female mayor.
Blumberg’s concept, with the working title “Flames of Honor,” is informed by the image of an eternal flame to honor those who have served our nation. Blumberg is also the sculptor of the “Dance of Life” piece near the Davidson Public Safety Building.

Site of Davidson Veterans Monument
His recent projects include a large piece for William Shatner’s home in Los Angeles, the Las Vegas Veterans Memorial and the “Americas’ Response” Special Operations Monument to be placed at Ground Zero in New York City.
Partial funding has been provided by the Davidson Public Art Commission and the Arts and Science Council.
—Donations can be made here: https://www.townofdavidson.org/1512/Veterans-Monument-Fundraising.