Charlie Rose and other men have been at the center of controversy
Sexual harassment in the workplace will be the topic of a Newsmakers Breakfast Jan. 25 at The Peninsula Club. A human resources consultant, a labor attorney and a corporate HR executive will discuss and answer questions regarding an issue that has transformed the world of morning TV news, politics and even sports over the past weeks and months.
Speakers include HR consultant Deanna Arnold, founder of Cornelius-based Employers Advantage; Kristen Maxwell, Human Resources Director for Aquesta Bank and Insurance and Michael Harman, a labor attorney in Huntersville.

Newsmakers Breakfasts are open-forum Q&As, driven by current issues and news around us. Anyone can ask a question. Gail Williams, advertising and marketing director of Cornelius Today and Business Today, will be the moderator.

Doors open at 7:15 a.m. for networking. The buffet-style breakfast gets under way at 7:30 a.m. The Q&A begins at 8 a.m. and concludes at 9 a.m. The cost to attend, $12, includes a full country breakfast.

Reservations are required. RSVP at 704-895-1335 with Visa or MasterCard.
Aquesta Bank is the Presenting Sponsor. The Breakfast Sponsors are Realtor Dixie Dean and Donna Moffett Accountants and Consultants. Coffee Sponsors are Davidson Wealth Management, G Brokerage and Master Title.