Public education in North Mecklenburg is the topic at the Jan. 15 Newsmakers Breakfast at The Peninsula Club. It will focus on education, with speakers Jennifer De La Jara and Rhonda Lennon Cheek, both Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools board members.
Growth and over-crowding became an issue when Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools left North Meck out of capital spending plans. Cornelius responded with a “local option” study that considered municipally chartered schools.

De La Jara, a Davidson resident, was elected as an at large member of the CMS board last fall. Cheek, also of Davidson, is the North Meck representative.
Newsmakers Breakfasts, which cost $12 to attend, are open-forum Q&As with people who make the news. Anyone can ask a question.
Doors open at 7:15 a.m. for networking. The buffet-style breakfast gets under way at 7:30 a.m.
The Q&A begins at 8 a.m. and concludes at 9 a.m. The $12 cost includes a full country breakfast.
Reserve a seat by calling 704-895-1335 with Visa or MasterCard.

Newsmakers Breakfasts are hosted by Cornelius Today and Business Today. The Presenting Sponsors are Allen Tate Realtors Dixie Dean and Christina Stone.
The Breakfast Sponsor is Carolina Trust Bank.
The Coffee Sponsors are Davidson Wealth Management and James Funeral Home.