Oct. 6. The Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce board has elected six local business leaders to the board of directors. Three new members are: Joshua Dobi, of Dobi Financial Group; Sam James, of James Funeral Home & NorthLake Memorial Gardens; and Tricia Sisson, of The Range at Lake Norman.
The Chamber also elected Callan Bryan, of Vandiver & Bryan, as the 2016 board chairman. Jay Lesemann Jr., a partner with the accounting firm of Rives & Associates, is chair-elect. He will also continue as chair of finance and operations.

Lesemann Jr.
Bryan, the incoming chairman, graduated from Appalachian State and attended Law School at Campbell University. He has served on the chamber board for six years and most recently served as public policy chair.
Rejoining the LKN Chamber board for another three-year term is Thomas E. Gettelman, of Carolinas Healthcare System; Mark C, Patafio, of Yadkin Bank; and Philippa K. Brown, of Birkdale Village.