Jan. 5. By Dave Vieser. The new Cornelius Town Board has made it clear that they will be taking a long, hard look at the delays in various transportation projects around town announced by the NCDOT last year.
The board also asked Mayor Woody Washam to send letters to the NCDOT expressing additional concern on the delays.
“The Town became aware earlier this year that NCDOT would be suspending activity and delaying construction on as many as 900 projects statewide, due to cash flow issues” said Assistant Town Manager Wayne Herron. “We’ve prepared a resolution asking the DOT to reconsider any project delays in our town.”
Herron said the town was focusing on four major projects which have been delayed:

1. The West Catawba Avenue Phase 2 Widening. Start of work currently delayed from 2020 to 2023.
2. The Highway 21 Widening from Westmoreland Road to the town line. Start delayed to 2023.
3. Improvements to the 115/Hickory Street Intersection. No date provided by NCDOT.
4. The Bailey Road Extension to US 21. Start delayed to 2024.
The letters from the mayor will express the town’s appreciation to NC Sen. Natasha Marcus and NC Rep. Christy Clark for their assistance in trying to restore NCDOT funding. At the same time, a separate letter to NCDOT Secretary James Trogdon will specify scheduling concerns for the Cornelius projects.

“These projects reflect needs from both a safety and economic development perspective,” said Town Manager Andrew Grant. “While we know funding figures can and will change, we are on the record now displaying our concerns.”
Herron and Grant also the letters would be submitted to the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) as public comment for the Draft 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program.