- ‘Never Forget’ Monument unveiled
- 1,000 or more attended the 9-11 Monument dedication
- The 9-11 monument, with a 3000 lb. piece of steel from the World TradeCenter in the center
- Tillis at the 9/11 Monument in 2016
- Harry Saake, a monumental idea
- JV Washam 5th Grade Chorus
- Speaker Steve Giordano was in the WTC tower when the first plane hit at 8:46 am
- Bagpipe presentation
- Woody Washam, Sharon Washam, Thurman Ross attended the ceremony
- Ricky Overcash helped drive the WTC beam to Cornelius
- Special Thanks
Sept. 11. One of the most important events in American history is forever commemorated in front of Fire Station No. 1 in Cornelius. A 2-hour ceremony drew 1,000 people, including firefighters from New York as well as Cornelius, police, military, ordinary citizens and elected officials ranging from Cornelius commissioners to U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis. The new monument, called “Never Forget,” faces northeast, on a line that passes through Washington D.C. and New York City. Speakers included Steve Giordano, who was working in the Twin Towers, Fire Chief Neal Smith, Police Chief Bence Hoyle, Cornelius Mayor Chuck Travis, NC Sen. Jeff Tarte, NC Rep. John Bradford and US Sen. Thom Tillis.