Sept. 9. The Mt. Zion United Methodist Church annual BBQ will look different this year with take-out only and advance orders being taken for BBQ by the pound and pints of coleslaw. (A collective mmm right here!)
BBQ by the pound (with sauce included) for $12 and pints of coleslaw for $5 will be available for pre-order.
Pre-orders are needed by Oct. 9 for the take-out event Nov. 6. Pickups start at 10 am.
Hot plates including BBQ, slaw, yams, bread and sauce, as well as individual BBQ sandwiches will be served to-go.
Weather permitting, dining will be available on the front lawn.
If you don’t pre-order BBQ and coleslaw, pounds and pints will be sold on a first-come first-serve basis until sold out.
Click here to purchase your pre-orders, which will be available for pick up on the day of the BBQ.