Feb. 12. Topography problems continue to affect Old Canal Street in Antiquity where two sinkholes have already been plugged. Erosion is causing the road to very slowly move toward the creek side. There is also “terrible erosion” under the bridge, Assistant Town Manager Tyler Beardsley said during a Town Board budget discussion.
Out of four slope inclinometers that were installed, three show indications of subsurface movements. Slope inclinometers are used to verify the stability of dams, abutments and upstream slopes. Beardsley said the slope along Old Canal in Antiquity is too steep, causing it to erode.
The best solution is to make the slope less steep, which means taking out the existing vegetation so that the town can bring in additional fill.
“This is an issue that must be addressed and soon,” said Town Commissioner Jim Duke.

Approximately 1,300-1,400 linear feet along Old Canal are involved. The fix could cost roughly $800,000, Beardsley said during the budget discussion at Town Hall.
There is also a gash in the terrain directly below the Antiquity Bridge after last week’s torrential rain.
Town Manager Andrew Grant said the erosion looks worse than it is. “It’s one of those things that looks bad,” he said.
The NCDOT has recently inspected the town-owned bridge, but did not raise any red flags at that time.